7 Reasons Why an L.D.R Isn’t So bad

Well, it’s offical. 

I’m at the tail-end of a long distance relationship. Only a few months until I will be  sucking it all in as my white dress is being zipped up, paying others to make me feel the most beautiful I have ever felt, and looking down at all of my belongings in boxes, ready to be transported to a new home.

This relationship has had it’s ups and downs as every other relationship, but one thing that has been a constant down has been the long distance aspect of it. With almost 500 miles seperating us, distance isn’t something that we enjoy or planned, but it is something we have grown to respect and appreciate. 

Once you stop looking at things so black and white, you start to realize there can be some good aspects of these dreadful circumstances. 

Here are some of the not-so-apparent benefits of being in a LDR:

1. You learn to communicate better. Just because you are far away doesn’t mean you can’t be a part of each other’s daily lives. Communication really becomes a lifeline in LDRs. I say this because if you have nothing in common, can’t agree with one another, or aren’t willing to yield or change at times, your relationship will drown. LDRs are real relationships. 

If you are communicating as you should, distance shouldn’t hide who you are. It should showcase who you are.

2. You are always up to date with technology. No avoiding this one, you’ll be the first to notice updates in social media apps like Snapchat and Instagram. And you’ll spend precious precious time discovering new emojis and sending special videos to one another. Personally, my fiancé and I FaceTime a lot, are big on Snapchatting and frequently Pinterest ideas for our future home. Though we don’t use these apps, I have heard that Marco Polo and Voxer are helpful too. We are trying out this app called Avocado at the moment, and I actually kind of like it. It allows you to connect to your significant other and share a calendar, lists, and photos. The free version has some limitations, but I’d say its worth a try. 

Technology is your friend when distance is the enemy.

3. Time together is precious. I can’t imagine a better way of illustrating it aside from this: Imagine your best friend moving away. You are still super close but only see that person every once in a while. Reuniting with your boo thang is even more emotional that that. Wear the waterproof mascara. There will be long hugs and cry sessions. There will be lots of “I missed you”s and “OMG”s. Since your long-distance love is back in your arms, life once again seems whole. 

It’s long absences that truly help you realize how important your time together is, and that you shouldn’t take a second for granted. 

4. Physicalities don’t get in the way of what’s important.  Not having your special person near is hard, but it helps you to focus on one another without distractions. Their strengths and weaknesses will become very apparent when all you do is talk all night. You learn who they really are in all types of situations and don’t have the opportunity to overlook important faults because of something physical. 

Differences in outlooks in life, family size, or morale cannot be fixed with a hug or kiss. Just so we are clear. 

5. Makeup isn’t a necessity 24/7. I wake up every day at 6:00 am to work an 8 hour shift, sometimes even having to work another 5 hour shift right after. Makeup isn’t on my priority list sometimes. Sometimes I want to sleep. So, not having to physically see your significant other is a blessing in disguise sometimes. Sorry, but it’s true. On those (ugly, ugly) days, I either find a mode of communication that doesn’t involve my face, or make a frantic dash to my makeup bag when it is time to talk face-to-face.

When it’s time to Facetime or Skype, your makeup will look flawless and fresh, and he’ll never know what hit him! 

6. You learn to be YOU, not Y’ALL or THEY. Sorry, is my Texas showing? Independence is always looked at negatively in regards to relationships, but the truth is you have to have some sort of self-worth and self-respect to have a healthy relationship in the first place. Independence is vital in not only surviving a LDR, but any relationship. Heaven forbid you split up or your significant other flatlines while being operated on by Meredith Grey at Seatle Grace Hospital!  You need to have strength and determination in yourself to continue on in life. (And yes, of course that last example can happen!)

The foundation for a strong and happy couple is two strong and happy individuals.

7. You can take advantage of opportunities to be creative. Yes, it’s sad you can’t be together. But that doesn’t mean you are limited in ways to show you care. Pinterest is loaded with ideas for LDR couples. Wouldn’t a movie date be fun? Why not watch a movie together while video chatting? Send a care package to show her how much you care. Send him a surprise gift or an unexpected love letter. Send yourself as a surprise! 

Nurture your relationship by any means necessary.

    There it is: seven reasons to appreciate long distance relationships!

    What do you guys think? Can you add to my list? Put your thoughts in the comment section below; I would love to hear from you!

      15 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why an L.D.R Isn’t So bad

      1. JESS @PT CONTENDER says:

        My bf and I are almost done with our long distance too!! So excited :)) we are used to long distance but it’s definitely still hard. One thing we do is send little surprise presents or cards or care packages. And then we open them over Skype or phone call. One of my favorite things to do is tell him I got dinner tonight & order him a pizza or some other food delivery. Loll i def resonate with this post esp communication getting better!

        • rhandahinton says:

          Congrats!! I love that idea of opening gifts together, never thought of that. I usually just send a reaction video or a picture of me with the item(s). Great idea! And ordering delivery is an awesome idea too. Tried it when He was sick, but he lives too far in the country 🙄😆 thanks for stopping by!

      2. shulammitegirl says:

        “Sorry, is my Texas showing? ” I am so done with you!
        Not in a LDR but Lord it sure does feel like one 😦
        I like to write cards and spray my perfume scent. I’ve even tried a scavenger hunt once before!
        I’m so excited for you and your new life as a Georgia Peach Wife!

        • rhandahinton says:

          That is a great idea, sweet! 😊💛 a scavenger hunt? Tell me more, sounds interesting! 🤔 and me too! Insider: hopefully in a few months i will be able to transform this blog. Already bought a domain name for it. Verrrrry close to the last three words you sent 😊 lol we’ll see how it goes.

      3. shulammitegirl says:

        For the scavenger hunt, I hid different small trinkets and cards, attached with confetti, pictures, forget me not, etc.
        and I hid them in special spots that held a meaning for us, like our favorite restaurants. I would tape them under “our,” table, I would get friends involved who worked at a local bakery, etc. I would text him clues, riddles, and then after I hid whatever I hid, I would Snapchat a zoomed out image of where it was and place this emoji 📦 on my story to let him know that he can now start the scavenger hunt. I would do it once a month.

        A domain name?! Look at you! Fancy! Great minds think alike with the domain name. 🙌🏽

      4. Elizabeth says:

        I’m so glad you included your number 6. Being part of couple should never mean giving up your own identity. In many ways Mr. C and I are very different but we each can express that individuality without fear of the other person being upset or threatened.
        You’re a very wise young woman and I know you’re going to be absolutely blissful in your married life!

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